
Let’s help together


Since 2016, it has become possible to participate in any nomination, without paying a fee, to competitors with disabilities!

For the participation in this fascinating venture it is necessary to pass the stage of registration. The procedure is very simple “Record video” – “Apply”. And what’s important – participation is absolutely free! In order to participate for FREE it is necessary to send in the application a certificate of invalidity!

The Internet allows us great opportunities, and the main thing is to eliminate all obstacles. You do not need to worry about road or weather conditions, high cost of travel tickets. If you are a collective, or you can not often go out.

Maybe because of health restrictions you do not always have technical travel options. Our competition is for you. Stay in your comfortable space, without any loss of your emotional peace. Being among the loved ones and in your personal space will help you unconditionally, your muse will not abandon you. All you need is – to create!

After the results of the jury, you will receive a diploma in accordance to the international model. Our competition is a confirmation of your uniqueness. And those wings will surely lift you high.

The main thing is to remember, that we will take on all the costs. And ensure your undisturbed and smooth participation.

We also appeal to all people of good will, who want and can help talented people by providing a prize fund (prizes, gifts, musical instruments, participation in seminars, concerts, festivals, tourist trips …). We look forward to your attention and acquaintance.

We are looking forward to your attention and support. We will become the link between the contestant you choose and you.

Let’s help together!