结果分为两类:年与乐器。为了查看结果请先选年,然后乐器而点击 – “显示”。您选择的结 果将出现在下一页。

Download the e-Diploma for the participant

Download the e-Certificate for teacher

Download the DETAILED e-Certificate for the portfolio


Traditionally, the SPRING and SUMMER EDITIONs are mostly entered by competitors from Europe, while the AUTUMN EDITION is attended by competitors from Asia, Australia, South and North America.

The results and videos of all competitors for this year, for all editions, can be viewed at the end of December.

We believe you will find it fascinating to watch the performances and see the results of competitors from various parts of the world. This is a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with diverse pedagogical schools and to appreciate talented performers from different regions!